Below is a list of necessary baby items you should have on hand.
Often we experience unexpected calls from hospitals and in each case, the family chosen was not prepared with the items necessary to immediately begin caring for a baby. If you have not already done so, PLEASE get these items:
1. Car Seat- If you are matched, have the base installed and checked
2. Pack n Play or other approved bedside sleeper. Nationwide Children’s Hospital just released research that states that the risk of SIDS is reduced by 50% when the baby sleeps in the parents’ room (NOT in the parents’ bed) for the first 6 months. This is a requirement for all of our families.
3. Newborn Diapers
4. Home from the hospital outfit/blanket (all clothing washed in Dreft)
In addition, we ask that you complete these important tasks:
1. Research and purchase the types of bottles you wish to use
2. Research daycares- determine cost and wait times
3. Research and interview pediatricians (Make sure the doctor you select is accepting new patients.) You will be required to have a scheduled appointment with your doctor within 3 days of your baby’s release from the hospital.