Open & Closed Adoption

These terms are not defined under Ohio law. However, the adoption community does recognize some general definitions for each of these types of adoption.

Open Adoption

In an open adoption, identifying information is shared between the birth parents and the adoptive parents and the relationship is totally open. Therefore, periodic visits are anticipated and frequent communication is expected from both the birth parents and the adoptive parents. This option is selected by birth parents less frequently because it involves an 18 year obligation of frequent contact which may not be feasible for the birth parents. Again, the choice is yours.

Semi-Open Adoption

In a semi-open adoption, the birth parents select the adoptive parents by reviewing letters and pictures prepared by waiting adoptive families. The birth parents may also wish to meet with the family they have selected before the birth of their baby. An agreement will be reached among the birth parents, the adoptive parents and the agency prior to birth regarding the amount and type of openness that will be honored after the birth. This agreement may include pictures and letters sent through the agency or directly to specified email addresses, or periodic visits with the adoptive family and the child, or a combination of both. Each semi-open adoption is design by the birth parents and the adoptive parent jointly; therefore, no two plans are identical. The choice is yours. This is the most common type of adoption in our agency.

Closed Adoptions

In a closed adoption there is no contact between the birth parents and the adoptive parents. The birth parents request the agency to select the adoptive parents. Approximately one fourth of our adoptive placements are closed at the birth parents’ request.

Rob and Rebecca’s Open Adoption