This waiting period is unlike most waits in life that have a clear outcome. For waiting adoptive families, the object of their longing is unknown – they dream and wonder about the face that will one day join their family without knowing the details. They ready their homes and hearts for a child they have yet to meet.

Waiting adoptive families wait, holding onto hope during a process filled with uncertainty. There can be discouraging moments along the way – failed matches, forms lost in the system, questions from friends and family about whether it’s time to give up.

As professionals, we can provide encouragement during the difficult stretches of waiting.

Instilling Hope Through the Process

Even when things seem discouraging, most waiting adoptive families cling to an unshakable hope that their child is out there awaiting them. We can fan the flames of this hope by:

  • Speaking words of encouragement – remind families of God’s sovereignty over the timing and child chosen for them.
  • Celebrating every milestone reached – highlight completed paperwork, approved home studies, and all progress made on the path.
  • Sharing positive adoption stories – stories of long-waiting children finally united with adoptive families can inspire others to keep hoping.
  • Connecting them with other waiting adoptive families – there’s an instant bond and camaraderie between those walking the same road of waiting.
  • Prayer – invite families to share specific prayer requests; commit to lifting their needs before God along the way.

Our words and actions that impart hope can uplift families during lengthy waiting seasons.

Preparing Families for a Child’s Arrival

While families wait expectantly for their child, we can help them prepare practically for their son or daughter’s arrival. Recommendations include:

  • Begin gathering medical paperwork to aid in care once the child is home. Learn about common institutional diagnoses they may require therapy for.
  • Connect with therapists, counselors, and support networks to have care lined up in advance for a smooth transition home.
  • Take life preparation courses that cover everything from trauma to attachment therapy to accessing community resources.

The more equipped and supported waiting adoptive families feel during this season, the greater their capacity will be as parents once that long-awaited referral call finally comes.

Waiting with Families in Expectation

Waiting is never easy, but waiting for adoptive families somehow muster the strength to wait expectantly for however long it takes.

As fellow sojourners, Adoption Professionals have the privilege of cheering these families towards the finish line – to encourage when spirits lag, to equip at every turn, and to wait with them until hope’s fulfillment when a bundle of joy meets the parents who’ve loved them so long.

And when that beautiful, long-awaited moment of connection finally arrives, we rejoice over something so wondrously worth the wait.