Yesterday I received a call from a social worker who was looking for support for a birth mother who had placed her baby through a large national agency located in California. The birth mother now realizes she has no emotional support and her “open adoption” seems very tenuous.

Before you place your baby, please consider the support you may need AFTER placement, not just the monetary benefits that may be available through a large agency located far away. This young woman is alone now with no one to talk to.

In our agency we provide continuing one on one counseling AT NO CHARGE following placement if you desire. Also, we facilitate our open adoptions — providing a comfortable and private living room for your meetings. Finally, we have a birth mother support group that meets monthly.

Think carefully before you choose an adoption agency. Adoptive placement is so much more than the monetary benefits you may receive from an out of state agency. Adoption is a life long journey for everyone involved. Choose an agency that understands this fact and continues to provide support to you as long as you desire.

Adoption Professionals
Cincinnati, Ohio