
Pregnancy Counseling – the Obligation of Every Adoption Agency


Two birth mothers have contacted our agency this month seeking counseling after placing their babies through national adoption agencies. These agencies refused to pay for post placement counseling. It is the ethical obligation of every adoption agency to provide post placement counseling for its birth mothers. Adoption professionals are aware [...]

Pregnancy Counseling – the Obligation of Every Adoption Agency2017-01-01T10:08:21-05:00

Birth Mother Support Group – GEMS


Our adoption agency, Adoption Professionals, hosts a birth mother support group call GEMS. GEMS welcomes all women who have placed children through adoption. In the new year we are going to focus our meetings on equipping our birth mothers with the tools they need to succeed! The topics for each [...]

Birth Mother Support Group – GEMS2025-03-03T09:55:39-05:00

Open Adoption – Counseling for Birth Mothers – National Adoption Agencies


Yesterday I received a call from a social worker who was looking for support for a birth mother who had placed her baby through a large national agency located in California. The birth mother now realizes she has no emotional support and her "open adoption" seems very tenuous. Before you [...]

Open Adoption – Counseling for Birth Mothers – National Adoption Agencies2020-11-05T10:40:58-05:00

Pregnancy Crisis Center Banquet


Last night our adoption agency helped to sponsor the fundraising banquet for A Caring Place. Over 640 people joined to support this important safety net for women and teens who are facing unplanned pregnancies. Shawna Dunn and Anita Paddock and their army of volunteers worked tirelessly to present an evening [...]

Pregnancy Crisis Center Banquet2016-11-12T08:03:27-05:00

New Birth Mother Support Group


Our adoption agency is working with a group of adoptive parents to help form a community wide birth mother support group called FIRST HERO. Our GEMS birth mother support group has served our birth mothers since 2009, but now we want to honor and support birth mothers through out the [...]

New Birth Mother Support Group2016-11-03T06:50:34-04:00


On Saturday, November 5th, our agency will host a coffee where the discussion topic will be "Transracial Adoption". The discussion will be facilitated by two adoptive mothers who have adopted transracialy. All are welcome. 9:30 am - 11 am, Saturday, November 5th Agency office located at 2858 Erie Ave, (free [...]


Transracial Adoption


Our agency will host an informal discussion on transracial adoption facilitated by two of our adoptive mothers on: Saturday, November 5th at 9:30 am to 11 am at our office located at 2758 Erie Ave, in Hyde Park Please email  to if you would like to attend. All are [...]

Transracial Adoption2016-10-24T08:37:28-04:00

I want to place my baby for adoption


You may be considering placing your born or unborn baby for adoption, but you don't know how to proceed. Ohio law has a streamlined approach for placement if your baby is under 6 months old and you work with a licensed adoption agency to place your baby. You DO NOT [...]

I want to place my baby for adoption2016-10-23T18:04:50-04:00

Open Adoption Story


Our adoption agency, Adoption Professionals, facilitates open adoption arrangements between women and teens placing their babies for adoption and the adoptive parents that they choose. Please take 10 minutes to watch "Rob and Rebecca's Open Adoption" on YouTube to learn about a real life adoption story that has been going [...]

Open Adoption Story2016-10-07T07:35:29-04:00

Birth Mother Support


Our adoption agency, located in Cincinnati, Ohio, has built a reputation on providing emotional support and on going career support to our birth mothers, both before and after placement. If you need someone to talk with about your unexpected pregnancy, please call and one of our pregnancy counselors will sit [...]

Birth Mother Support2025-03-03T07:49:04-05:00
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