
Talk with our Birth Mothers


Many people believe the myth that women who place their babies for adoption regret their decision afterward. This simply is not true in most cases.  Speak to our birth mothers yourself and confirm: They believe they made the most loving, courageous and selfless decision a mother could make, and they [...]

Talk with our Birth Mothers2017-10-20T16:17:38-04:00

Adoption Training


Our adoption agency, Adoption Professionals, is hosting a 907 class on Sunday, September 24, from 9 to noon at the agency office. Our senior assessor, Dottie Boner, will conduct the training.

Adoption Training2017-09-21T06:11:33-04:00

Adoptive Parent Support


Our adoption agency, Adoption Professionals, hosts regular coffees on Saturday mornings to discuss issues surrounding adoption. Our next coffee is this Saturday, September 23, 2017, at 9:30 am at the agency office in Hyde Park. The topic will be "What to Expect at the Hospital". Please join us!! Adoption Professionals [...]

Adoptive Parent Support2017-09-19T06:54:20-04:00

Adoption after Parenting


Placing for Adoption After Parenting Occasionally after a new mother goes home with her infant, she realizes that she does not have the emotional and financial support she had anticipated, or parenting is simply too physically exhausting under her current life circumstances.  This new mother may not realize that she [...]

Adoption after Parenting2017-09-01T06:29:09-04:00

Confidential advice on placing your baby for adoption


You may have questions about placing your baby for adoption, but you wish to maintain your confidentiality at this time. You are welcome to contact our agency by text at: (513) 478-2229 We will answer your questions without requiring any information from you. Get informed! Adoption Professionals

Confidential advice on placing your baby for adoption2017-08-28T06:12:26-04:00

How do I learn about adoption?


If you would like to learn more about adoption, but wish to maintain your confidentiality at this point in time, you are welcome to text our agency at (513) 478-2229 in order to receive more information about the process or have your specific questions answered. You will not be contacted [...]

How do I learn about adoption?2017-08-27T09:48:24-04:00

Waiting Mothers Coffee


Our adoption agency hosts Waiting Mothers Coffees periodically to provide education and support to those women who are waiting to adopt a child. Our next Waiting Mothers Coffee will be held on Saturday, September 23rd at 9:30 in the agency office. We will be discussing:  What to Expect at the [...]

Waiting Mothers Coffee2017-08-22T06:41:51-04:00

Openness in Adoption


Our adoption agency hosts a waiting mother's coffee every 6 weeks in our agency office. Our next meeting is going to focus on openness in adoption. We will have adoptive mothers describing their experiences in their open adoption relationships. Date will be announced shortly. Adoption Professionals

Openness in Adoption2017-05-22T06:58:06-04:00

Adoption at the Hospital


Sometimes a pregnant woman is not able to make a decision about parenting until the time of birth. Maybe she doesn't know she is pregnant or maybe her support system falls apart at the last moment or maybe the father of her baby is not who she thought he was. [...]

Adoption at the Hospital2017-05-19T07:23:29-04:00

Mother’s Day Thank You


If you have the privilege of being a mother because another woman entrusted you with the most precious gift on earth, the mothering her baby, please take the time to give her the most heartfelt thank you this Mother's Day. I have often said that the words "thank you" don't [...]

Mother’s Day Thank You2017-05-12T07:31:20-04:00
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