
Adoption Support


Our adoption agency, Adoption Professionals, provides support to all members of the adoption triad. This past Saturday we hosted a Waiting Mothers coffee where prospective adoptive mothers could talk with adoptive mothers who have already placed through our agency. If you are seeking this level of support in your adoption [...]

Adoption Support2017-05-07T06:12:50-04:00

Adoption Services


Our adoption agency provides many different services to a pregnant woman:  Helping her decide if adoption is the right plan, interviewing and selecting an adoptive family for her baby, attending the birth and spending time with her in the hospital, and facilitating the open relationship after placement. If you are [...]

Adoption Services2017-05-02T06:44:09-04:00

Adoption is a loving choice


Adoption is not running away from responsibility. Adoption is a courageous and loving choice made by a biological parent when that parent is not able to parent. Parents who place their babies for adoption deserve our respect and our support.

Adoption is a loving choice2017-04-30T20:08:29-04:00

Adoption – Waiting Mothers Coffee


Our adoption agency, Adoption Professionals, will host a waiting mothers coffee on Saturday, May 6th at 9:30 am at the agency office. Please join us! Adoption Professionals (513) 321-2229

Adoption – Waiting Mothers Coffee2017-04-26T06:25:54-04:00



Adoption takes many forms. Sometimes grandparents adopt their grandchildren. Sometimes step parents adopt their step children. Sometimes biological parents place their babies with infertile couples who are praying to become parents. All adoption involves trust, faith, courage and most of all, love.


Birth Mother Support – Professional Clothing


Our adoption agency, Adoption Professionals, has made an effort to support our birth mothers through resume building, interviewing tips,  job postings and now, professional clothing!  We have 2 full clothing racks of suits, dresses, sweaters and blazers that you are welcome to select for interviews and/or new jobs!!  Call or [...]

Birth Mother Support – Professional Clothing2017-02-23T06:23:18-05:00

Birth Mother Support


Our adoption agency has two levels of support for birth mothers:  We have one social worker dedicated to one on one counseling which is available during your pregnancy and for as long after adoptive placement as is helpful to you. This counseling is free!! We also have a birth mother [...]

Birth Mother Support2017-02-16T06:50:09-05:00

GEMS Birth Mother Support Group


REMINDER - GEMS MEETING TONIGHT AT 6;30 PM Topic: Rev up your resume or prepare one for the first time! Download your new resume on a flash dirve we will provide. Also leave with 5 printed copies of your new resume!! Get ready for SUCCESS!!!!!! Boost Post

GEMS Birth Mother Support Group2020-11-05T10:40:58-05:00

Birth Mother Support Group


Adoption Professionals hosts a monthly birth mother support group called GEMS. All birth mothers are welcome! Our next meeting is: Thursday, January 26 at 6:30 pm at the agency office, 2758 Erie Ave in Hyde Park We are going to be working on your resume, both printed and digital, so that [...]

Birth Mother Support Group2017-01-22T07:09:35-05:00

Thank You for Your Christmas Cards!


THANK YOU to all of the adoptive parents who remembered us with a Christmas card this year! We tape them to the windows of our office and enjoy them more than you can imagine! Seeing these children thrive and grow reminds us of the importance of this work and keeps [...]

Thank You for Your Christmas Cards!2017-01-15T07:28:23-05:00
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