Our adoption agency, Adoption Professionals, is hosting a 907 class on Sunday, September 24, from 9 to noon at the agency office. Our senior assessor, Dottie Boner, will conduct the training.
Our adoption agency, Adoption Professionals, hosts regular coffees on Saturday mornings to discuss issues surrounding adoption. Our next coffee is this Saturday, September 23, 2017, at 9:30 am at the agency office in Hyde Park. The topic will be "What to Expect at the Hospital". Please join us!! Adoption Professionals [...]
Placing for Adoption After Parenting Occasionally after a new mother goes home with her infant, she realizes that she does not have the emotional and financial support she had anticipated, or parenting is simply too physically exhausting under her current life circumstances. This new mother may not realize that she [...]
Adoption after ParentingSheryl Linne2017-09-01T06:29:09-04:00